Yellow-Black chevrons part2
Yellow and Black Chevrons, Part 2
In this part, I would like to explain a little more how and why this method
of drawing chevrons is used.
Firstly, a yell...
udate2017/I've noticed this blog is now rendered useless because of new
photobucket image sharing rules. I hope to recover images sometime in the
Attention please
Dear friends!
If You see that message in your blog list, please edit it and replace link
with a "". All my miniatures are there...
Find me on facebook
Hi all!
I have decided to give up the blog because I´m really tired of broken image
links and design problems after every blogger update. But you can find ...
Iron Sleet: John Blanche – The Voodoo Forest
Hi ya'll!
Just thought to remind you of our new home *Iron Sleet* (
Don't miss all the great things happening in there! For instance, ye...
Just a shy attempt
*After such a long break in posting I nearly feel I should introduce myself
*So I seem to be the same Ańa... still a red-haired girl with glasses and a...
Последний пост в русской часи блога
Это сообщение для тех, кому не безразлично мое творчество, кто читает и
подписан на мой блог.
This message is for those who care about my work , who read...
Маленький гоблин 2
Не везёт этому гоблину. Первый водный эффект от Noch повёл себя как
последняя сволочь и был удалён. Второй раз был использован водный эффект от
Vallejo. По...
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